Web application  documentation 

Learn how to create and manage web applications in an online database environment 


eCommerce Dashboard

From your eCommerce admin, click “Dashboard” on the left.

This will be your main focus once you’ve completed the previous steps. The Dashboard manages and tracks your orders for you, displaying the current month’s transactions and sales progress. 

  • Total Orders (By Month)--Displays a graph of the amount of orders placed each month.
  • Total Sales (By Product)--Shows the proportion of each product that has been sold so far.   
  • Latest Orders: This will show information from your most recent orders, including customer email address, order ID, status of the order, and the total amount spent on the order before and after tax.  
    • You can click on the “action” tab of any row to open that specific order’s individual page.

 Here, you’ll be able to view the product and status details of the order, in addition to accessing customer and shipping information and adding your own comments. 

About Simbla

We believe end users know exactly what they need to perform more efficiently and effectively. Simbla allows them to produce game-changing cloud CRM without writing a single line of code.

Simbla is an AI-generated cloud CRM and a no-code development platform that helps non-coders build quick, flexible, efficient solutions quickly and easily.

Our team has years of experience developing sophisticated cloud-based systems. Drawing on that experience, we built a platform that allowed non-coders to create a tailored CRM that exactly fits the business needs without long deployment and without the help of professionals.

It is a no-code platform with an AI layer, capable of reducing the cost of deploying and maintaining a tailored cloud CRM by as much as 90%.