Updating an object is actually saving over the old object.
To change an object, send a PUT request to the object URL.
In the following example we will change the "car_year" of the Car with the id - kEG7VgTLul
In the Header we will add 3 parameters:
1. X-Parse-Application-Id: your application Id
2. X-Parse-Session-Token: your session token (You can use an API-K X-PARSE-API-KEY instead)
3. Content-Type: application/json
In the body we will pass the JSON-encoded data.
Keys that are not specified will not change.
The response body we will get:
"updatedAt": "2021-03-14T04:16:55.299Z",
"objectId": "kEG7VgTLul"
Now we can go to the Database and check the record that we've changed.
We can use a numeric field as a counter using the following JSON:
Updating a pointer
In our example we will add a pointer called "car_color" pointing to "Colors" table.
To update a pointer we need to pass the pointer in the following JSON: