Master page / page


This screen contains an index of our existing webpages, and you can use it to navigate between the different webpages.

Before starting to design the website and creating new pages, let's distinguish between two types of pages that can be created. (This distinction will serve us throughout the whole process).


 "Master Page" – We can use this type of page to design a template \ basic design that will be used throughout the various pages on the website (e.g. menu, footer links, company logo, etc.). This way you won't have to design the same elements again on each page.This page type connects the design of your different webpages, so changes made to the master page will affect all of the pages that are linked to it.** Please note: You can create more than one master page (for example, if you have different designs that are used repeatedly in different webpages, such as a specific design for articles, and another for product pages, etc.).


Page (standard webpage) – This type is for creating a new standard webpage, where there's no need for other pages to rely on its design. This is simply a new blank page.As you can see, the template we have chosen in this case includes an index of four existing pages (About, Contact, Home, Services) and one master page, besides which we can add any number of pages we'd like. You can also delete these pages or edit them as you wish. We will explain how later in this guide.